Tomato Sauce
A Recipe for tomato sauce.
2 Tomatoes (blanched, scratched inside, we only need the mark)
1 tbsp Oil
100 ml Water
1 Onion
1 tbsp White wine vinegar
1 Spritzer lemon juice
3-4 tbsp Cane Sugar (yes, the Sauce is sweetish)
1 tbsp sugar syrup
½ – 1 tsp thyme
1 Prise salt
1 tbsp ground mustard seeds
1 small pinch chili (or 1 big pinch, it depends on how much, you can tolerate)
½ tsp sweet paprika
½ tsp oregano
3. Stew the onions and tomatoes in the pot. The onions should be glassy.
4. Add the water
5. Then add the rest of the ingredients and leave everything simmer at least for 20 minutes.
6. When the tomato mass has cooled slightly, mix the mass with a blender.