Bota Mochi / Ohagi
Bota Mochi is called this Wagashi in spring; Ohagi (おはぎ), in the autumn. They belong to the Namagashi variety.
It is filled with sweet filling, covered with rice and rolled in a sweet sugar mixture.
Bota Mochi (牡丹餅) will be served at Haru No Higan on 23 March. This is the vernal equinox in spring.
The name „bota“ derives from „botan“, which means „peony“.
In autumn, it is the Ohagi to the Aki No Higan, the autumnal (September 23rd).
At the Higan-e (彼岸会), in the middle of the week, the Ohagi are cooked to give them to relatives and neighbors.
The name derives from the plant „Hagi“, the bushy clover, which is in bloom in autumn.
In summer they are called 夜船 „Yofune“ (night ship), in winter 北窓 „Kita Mado“ (northern window).
Here’s the Recipe of Bota Mochi!
More to the traditions you can read on Sumikais site:
To Aki No Higan
Besides: Wagashi Maniac