Rakugan is a kind of Higashi. It has a low water content.
What are Rakugan?
Those sweets are beautiful, elegant and japanese art.
They are dried sweets, which consume rice flour, powdered sugar, some syrup and a little water to make a paste. The paste is pressed into a mold and dried. The rice flour is very special. Apparently it is cooked Mochi rice, which is dried and ground. This rice flour is called Kanbaiko.
A main ingedients is sugar. That’s why this wagashi is very sweet.
The sugar is a special, very fine variety, called wasbon.
Rakugan should be tasty and melt on the tongue.
They are popular, tasty, attractive and retain their quality for a long time.
For the production use Rakugan molds.
On Wagashi maniacs homepage you can see other Rakugan.
More Infos you find at the Tasteatlas