Ichigo Daifuku Mochi (イチゴ大福) (Daifuku Mochi with Strawberryfilling)
This Wagashi is a form of Namagashi.
In Japan they are very popular. They are served in spring, about March, while the strawberry season. This kind of Wagashi was developed around 1985.
„Ichigo“ means strawberry. Daifuku means „great happiness“.
A strawberry is covered with marzipan and then wrapped in Mochidough.
The Mochidough of this Wagashi is somewhat firmer and white.
Of course the strawberries are shrouded in Japan in Anko (Shiro-an or Koshi-an).
It is recommended that this type of Wagashi should be eaten immediately as they do not last long.
More you can find at Wagashi Maniac!